Home/GMR News

The first events of the 2025 season are rapidly approaching.

On Saturday, March 29 Paul Zuchowski will once again offer a Tech Session on Exterior Detailing. Those who attended last year had nothing but praise for Paul and the subject matter. Like last year, the session will take place at Paul’s home in Williston and due to space limitations attendance will be limited to the first 7 members to sign up, click here to register. There is no cost to attend.

On April 5, we will once again gather from 11am – 1.00pm at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier as the GMR will host the annual New Member Welcome & Season Kick-off. This event is open to all GMR members, new and seasoned, and will include an introduction to the PCA, the region’s leadership, a question and answer session, a preview of the Region’s 2025 events calendar and opportunity for some socializing and lunch. The lunch will feature the Capitol Plaza’s famed State Street Deli that includes a selection of breads and rolls, mixed green and potato salad, premium deli meats, Vermont cheeses, kettle chips and assorted cookies and brownies served with coffee, tea (hot and iced) and lemonade. The cost for lunch is $32/person. Click here to register.

GMR members gathered on Saturday, December 7 at Waterworks Food+Drink in Winooski for the a delightful Holiday Gathering. Good food and friendship were in abundance. The array of gifts for the Yankee Swap introduced some levity and a bit of competition but everyone went home with a fun gift.

2024 GMR Charity Fundraiser

To donate the Vermont Foodback click here or paste https://fundraise.vtfoodbank.org/GMR_2025 in your browser. The Vermont Foodbank online donation process is secure, fast and easy.

Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts’ Scholarships – The VAE is 501(c) Educational & Charitable Organization that awards scholarships to encourage and support young men and women who wish to pursue a career in automotive trades. Over the years the VAE has funded hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships. To make a donation to the VAE scholarship program you have two options:

  1. Send your donation directly to the Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts, c/o Mike Felix, 15 Martin Road, South Hero, VT 05486. Checks should be made payable to the Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts and be sure to note that you are a GMR member.
  2. Click here or paste https://vtauto.org in your browser to use the VAE online option.

  • President: Alessandro Iuppa
  • Vice President: Ben Curran
  • Secretary: Susan Eastman
  • Treasurer: Christina McCaffrey

September 14th brought blue skies and warm temperatures for the GMR Potluck BBQ hosted by Lee and Brenda Roy at their Lake Champlain home. Over 40 GMR members and 25 Porsches made the journey to Colchester for the fun and great burgers and hot dogs prepared by Lee, whose grilling reputation is growing by leaps and bounds. In addition to the entrées GMR members contributed a wide variety of side dishes and delicious desserts.

On Saturday, August 24 GMR members had a wonderful time at Apple Hill Farm as they were hosted by Peter Rogal and Laurie Nash. Their beautiful property offered a variety of vista’s from hill top to the White River and opportunities for exploration. That was topped off by a wonderful buffet prepared by Laurie. Everyone was in agreement that this was a “winner event” for the Green Mountain Region.

Do you have your official GMR name badge? If not, consider purchasing them now. If you would like to do so please either click on the below button or drop a note to gmrpca@gmail and we will respond with instructions for completing the order. The cost is $25/person and includes postage.

  • September 14, 2024 – GMR Potluck BBQ hosted by Lee & Brenda Roy (Colchester), click here to register
  • September 28, 2024 – GMR Poker Run to be led by Ben Curran
  • October 20, 2024 – GMR Annual Meeting, Elections & Luncheon @ Sugarbush Resort
  • December 7 – GMR Holiday Party @ WaterWorks Restaurant in Winooski, 3.00pm – 6.00pm

Be sure to check photos from the July 17th Driving Tour – Compliments of Photographer Matt Gustafson

After Tropical storm Debby barreled through Vermont on Friday the skies were “Kodak blue” on Saturday morning. The dry air greeted over 25 GMR members in 19 cars for a delightful driving tour through central Vermont. The tour, led by GMR member Fred Sperling, took us along some memorable country roads and through small Vermont communities. As if the tour wasn’t enough Fred and Nancy hosted the group at their South Woodstock home for a delicious cook-out.

On Saturday, July 20 the Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts hosted its 3rd “Porsche Day Cars & Coffee at the University Mall (UMall) on Dorset St., So. Burlington. This year’s event attracted over 30 Porsche models and a fair number of GMR members.  Following C&C the GMR’s Membership Chair, Brad Kennison, lead about 22 cars on a driving tour through some Vermont’s beautiful backroads. The one hour thirty-minute tour ended at the Cold Hollow Cider Mill in Waterbury Center. After arrival at Cold Hollow we enjoyed a short tour of the facility followed by lunch and some shopping.

On Saturday, June 22 cloudy skies greeted GMR members for the “100 Miles on Vermont Route 100” driving tour and a visit to Hildene House, The Lincoln Family Home in Manchester, VT.

The threatening skies did little to dampen the spirits of GMR members as they traveled on a pretty dry 100 mile journey along Vermont Route 100. The trip began in Middlesex, Vermont and concluded at Hildene House. The home built in 1905 by Robert and Mary Lincoln, the only child of President Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln to survive into adulthood. We did encounter a few showers but Rt 100 did not disappoint and offered plenty of twists and turns. We enjoyed a nice lunch at Hildene and as if on cue, the sun began to shine through as members began their exploration of the property.

GMR members gathered on Wednesday, June 12th for GMR’s first ever pop-up event hosted by GMR member, Jeremy Elliott, at his Smugglers’ Notch Distillery in Jeffersonville. Seven members and their Porsches enjoyed Jeremy’s hospitality, great socializing and samples of the Distillery’s award winning spirits. The distillery is rated as the 4th best tasting room in the US and has been recognized as the top 10 Craft Vodka Distillery in the US for the last 4 years.  Keep an eye out for similar events in the coming months.

Despite the cool morning temperatures and overcast skies the GMR Season Kick-Off tour was most enjoyable for drivers and passengers alike. Tour leader, Nicholas Weldon, put together a tour that included the requisite “curves” and beautiful vistas. From Woodstock the tour drove to Hartland, through Brownsville and then onto Chester. In Chester, the group took a break at the Vermont Tea House. After the break we made our way to Londonderry and continued south to Winhall where we were treated to a newly discovered road with spectacular views. From there we proceeded north on Route 7 to Danby where we took a second break at the Otter Creek Fun Center. Finally, we began our return to Woodstock by picking up Route 140 East. If you haven’t driven on this stretch of road you have a treat coming.

James Stephenson – Rest in Peace

James Stephenson of Stowe, Vermont and Vero Beach, Florida, died on May 13th, 2024 at the age of 90. He was born on a US military base in the Philippines on July 7th, 1933. 

James bought his first Porsche, a powder blue 924 in 1987. Soon after he became a PCA member… first in New England, then he became a member of CVR,  then when he moved to Florida where he eventually joined a Florida chapter near Vero Beach. 

 James was an enthusiastic member of PCA and owned many different Porsches over the years including: a 914, a 924S, a 911S, 944S turbo, a 928 S4, a 968, and a 2006 Cayman.

During his years with PCA, he drove autocross, he raced on ice in the north, he led weekend   tours, he attended concours,  he drove on tracks as both a student and later as an instructor. He instructed for about 20 years. Those tracks included Lime Rock, his favorite track, New Hampshire International Speedway, Summit Point, Bridgehampton, Watkins Glen, and Sebring in Florida, & PA. He instructed at all those tracks, and when he had to stop, he fondly remembered, and loved teaching driving instruction to all of his students. And during all that, he also wrote articles for the PCA magazines.

He will be sorely missed by all.

Extra! – See GMR Member Bill Bourque’s Barn Find Story in ESSES Magazine

2024 New Member Welcome & Season Kick-off

Click here to access Susan’s blog and learn more about Susan, the journey and “Blue Car”.

PCA Driver Education ProgramUpdated Information

New Option Available

So you are interested in PCA’s Driver Education, but not ready to commit to the full blown two-day program. What to do?

The Niagara Region has added a one-day option that will allow you to experience PCA’s Driver Education program on August 29th at Watkins Glen. The program will include the drivers’ meeting, “Intro to Driver Education” classroom sessions, a drive a circuit with a PCA instructor and two opportunities to drive your own car with an instructor. And don’t worry, track time will be shared with others in Intro class and there is no racing or no timing.

If your Porsche is vintage or an SUV, you are welcome to participate in any other brand of car. It needs to be safe and pass technical inspection, but any brand is acceptable. Click here to find registration and further information including costs for the program.

If you have not yet had a chance to fill out our 2 question survey please click here to do so. Your input means everything to the GMR and its event planning.
Have you thought of attending a PCA Driver Eduction Program? If so this is your lucky year – The Niagara Region PCA is holding some slots for GMR members to join their program in August at Watkins Glen circuit in August!

PCA Driving School is a fully instructed, non-competitive driving event. Its focus is on learning performance driving techniques in a controlled environment, providing you with the opportunity to safely appreciate and enjoy the engineering that went into your Porsche. The school utilizes one-on-one in-car instruction, classroom presentations, and track time; an instructor is always in the car with each student during track time, and all instructors are PCA Certified. Safety is of primary importance and focus.

PCA’s Driving School enables students to learn about performance driving and safety in a controlled, secure, and safe environment. It is important to stress this is a fully instructed and controlled event in the classroom and on the track.

If you’d like to experience a PCA Driving School, or even observe one before diving in, the kind and generous members of PCA’s Niagara Region have offered GMR a limited number of slots in their PCA Driving School at Watkins Glen on August 28th and 29th (it is a 2-day event). To experience driving your Porsche on this renown circuit is a Bucket List item for many, and to so with your GMR friends makes it even better. You can always bring a non-participating spouse/partner as there are many things to do in the area, such as winery visits, hiking trails and more.

And, if your Porsche is vintage or an SUV, you are welcome to participate in any other brand of car. It needs to be safe and pass technical inspection, but any brand is acceptable.

GMR Driver Education Survey

The Green Mountain Region is exploring how to best make PCA’s Driver Education programs more available to our members. To that end, if you have not already done so, we ask that you take less than a minute of your time to respond to our survey. Your input will allow us to better work with the Niagara Region for their August event as well as other potential PCA driver education days for GMR members.

GMR Tech Session on Exterior Detailing – A Grand Success!

A big thank you to GMR Paul Zuchowski for conducting a successful Tech Session on Saturday, April 6th. Attendees were treated to Paul’s expertise while he shared his tips and tricks for keeping our cars looking good. The session also featured hands-on opportunities for the attendees and I’m happy to report that Paul’s car survived the exercise.

Registration Open for April & May GMR Events

  • April 28, 2024 – GMR New Member Welcome, 1.00pm -3.00pm, (Sugarbush Resort, Warren Vermont). The meeting will feature a presentation by GMR member, Susan Silberberg, about her 2023 journey across 14,000 miles of the US inBlue Car, a 1970 Porsche 911T. Her story is interesting and inspiring. For more information and to register
  • May 4, 2024 – Season Kick-off Driving Tour (Central/Southwest Vermont) to be led by Nick Seldon. Registration opens on April 1st. For more information and to register


Have a few seconds? Then take a look and enjoy the sounds of GMR Board Member Peter Rogal’s Porsche 935K on the chassis dyno outside Sebring FL post engine and trans rebuild.


GMR Holiday Reception A Roaring Success!

Home/GMR News

Over 40 GMR members gathered at the Idletyme Brewery in Stowe for the 2023 Holiday Party. We enjoyed a wonderful meal and it is fair to say that a jolly time was had by everyone. Among the highlights was the “Yankee Swap” with a range of great gifts. Be sure to join us in 2024!

2023 Annual Meeting & Luncheon

The Green Mountain Region conducted its 2023 GMR Annual Meeting on October 21, 2023 at the Coolidge Hotel in White River Junction, Vermont.

After a short business meeting and open forum the guests were treated to a presentation on the Vermont Room murals by Innkeeper David Briggs. The murals, created by noted artist Peter Michael Gish, depict the history of Vermont. David was able to provide insights and the backstories about many of the individuals in the mural and their contributions to Vermont and the country. Everyone agreed that the presentation was most interesting and informative. Click here If you would like more information about the murals.

First GMR Poker Run is an Unqualified Winner

The GMR conducted its first Poker Run on some of Vermont’s classic roads on Saturday, September 23rd. The event, organized by Ben Curran with support from Tucker Purchase, included some 30 GMR members and a wonderful cohort of Porsches gathered at the Fairmont Farm & Market in East Montpelier. At the farm market Tucker raised the standard for a pre-tour gathering with some delicious homemade sticky buns!

Each vehicle was provided with a “GMR poker card” to play a 5 card draw game with each team selecting 2 cards at the start and one more at the intermediate stops and finish. The team with the best hand was awarded two complementary tickets to the GMR Holiday Gathering [Idletyme Brewery in Stowe on December 9, 2023]. The consensus among the participants was that the game added a nice twist to a great road tour.

From East Montpelier the tour traveled in a northernly direction on Vermont Route 14 through Calais, Woodbury on our way to Hartwick and the second card draw. From there we proceeded west on Vermont Route 15 to Morristown where the dreams of a winning poker hand was spreading among the group after a third card draw. The final leg turned south on Vermont Route 12 took us to the Barr Hill Distillery in Montpelier where the final card draw took place and the dreams of victory were dashed for everyone except for Bob and Mary Costella! The Barr Hill patio provided a wonderful spot for our members to enjoy a nice selection of and beverages while telling tales of what “could have been”!

A Great Success – South Central Vermont Driving Tour

Saturday, August 26th beckoned with clear skies and pleasant temperatures as close to 30 GMR members gathered for a driving tour and a potluck luncheon hosted by Fred and Nancy Sperling. The tour began in the heart of Woodstock Vermont and took us through several local communities, including a foray into New Hampshire. The roads were full of twists, turns and an opportunity to see several participants in the 2023 Vermont Overland bike race [click here for the Google Map]. Following the tour, the Sperlings hosted the group at their mountainside home for the luncheon and a tour of their collection of classic Porsches. A grand time was held all!

Thank you to Lee and Brenda Roy for a wonderful BBQ!

Saturday August 12th offered clearing skies with a few momentary droplets of rain. With total disregard for the weather GMR members Lee and Brenda Roy extended their gracious hospitality to once again host our Potluck BBQ at their Lake Champlain home. Over 23 Porsches and close to 50 attendees enjoyed a plentiful buffet while mingling on the deck with great views of the lake and the Adirondack mountains. A highlight of the day was the presentation to Lee of PCA’s Panorama issue number 273 [April 2018). That issue allowed Lee to complete his 50 year collection of Panorama.Over 23 Porsches and close to 50 attendees enjoyed the plentiful buffet while mingling on the deck with great views of the lake and the Adirondack mountains.

Event Dates to Save

21 October

9 December

  • Green Mountain Region Holiday Gathering @ Idletyme Brewery, 1859 Mountain Road, Stowe, VT [3pm – 6pm]

The PCA Digital Membership Card is Coming

For the past year PCA Digital Architecture team has been building the infrastructure to offer the option for members to have a digital membership card. If all goes according to plan, PCA will begin the rollout in the coming weeks. New members, using the updated application form, will have the option to request a digital card during the sign-up process. Existing members will have the option to obtain the digital card when renewing their membership.

You might ask – why a digital card? Besides moving PCA into the 21st century it is always with you, always up to date and is sustainable. The card front includes the member name and number as well as a QR code that indicates the valid to date. The reverse side contains links to region and national websites, allows for push notifications and is geofence capable. If your membership is lapsed/non renewed the QR code will be greyed out.

The digital membership cards will be available for Active, Family Active, Associate, Honorary, Life and Affiliate members. A couple of important notes – 1) the data flow is one way to the member, PCA does not track any information from your phone and 2) the card can only be obtained using your mobile phone. It is available for

Recap –  May 13, 2023

A sunny warm day greeted GMR members participating for the driving season’s kick-off tour. The ride, led by Woodstock member Nico Seldon, traveled on wonderful roads on both sides of the Connecticut River. Just about everyone acknowledged that they had become aware of new roads to explore further.

The cohort of 23 Porsches, with 40 participants, included examples of Porsche cars from the 356 to current day models. The tour began in Woodstock where the Police Chief assisted with our controlled and cohesive start. 

From Woodstock the tour proceeded to the Windsor Covered Bridge with a short break at the Plainfield Country Store. From Plainfield Nico led us along the Connecticut River to Bellows Falls were an extended lunch break was taken at the Flat Iron Cooperative. Like the Plainfield Country Store the Cooperative is great place to keep on your list of pit stops as you Porsche tour. The tour then wound its way up Route 5 towards Springfield and back to Woodstock.

Thanks again Nico for the enjoyable day!

Welcome New Members

  • Mark Pollack, Fairfax VT, 2006 911 Carrera 4
  • Lorenzo Torresani, Norwich VT, 2020 718 Cayman
  • Christopher Scoville, Burlington VT, 1971 911T
  • Michael B. Adams, Williston VT, 1984 944
  • Stephen Ingersoll, Williston VT, 2003 Boxster S
  • Jacob Holzscheiter, Westford, VT, 1969 912
  • Brian Leffler, Williston VT, 2023 718 Cayman GT4
  • Rex Accavallo, Essex Junction VT, 1996 911 Carrera 4S
  • Matthew Broadstreet, Barre, VT, 1995 911 Carrera
  • Thomas Walsh, Burlington, VT, 2001 911 Carrera 4 Cabriolet
  • David Schindler, Rutland, VT, 2003 Boxster S

GMR’s membership continues to grow with 210 primary members, 133 co-members and 13 PCA Juniors as of June 12, 2022. If you are a new member and we have not acknowledged you in the Green Mountain Mountaineer Newsletter  please email Sandy Gilmour at gmrpca@gmail.com. Click here for more information about PCA and how to join.

Thank You – GMR 2022 Charity Fundraiser – Thank You

The Green Mountain Region’s 2022 has now drawn to a successful close. Our two beneficiaries were the Vermont Foodbank and the Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts (VAE) Golden Wrench Scholarship Fund. As was done over the past few years GMR member donations were supplemented with GMR and PCA matching grants. The final numbers follow…

  • Total Donations: $5,081.00
  • Beneficiary Breakdown
    • Vermont Foodbank – $3,506
      • 17 Member Donations: $2,131.00
      • GMR Match: $1,000.00
      • PCA Match: $375.00
    • VAE Golden Wrench Scholarship Fund – $1,575.00
      • Member Donations: $600.00
      • GMR Match: $600.00
      • PCA Match: $375.00

2022 Member Survey Results

As you may recall the Board conducted a member survey during Q4 2022. All GMR primary and affiliate members, approximately 300 in total, were invited to respond and we had a 12% response rate. The responses, which contained a few surprises, will be used as a guide by the Board as the 2023 Event Calendar is put together over the coming weeks. To everyone who responded we thank you.

Click here to see a summary of responses

Recap – GMR Driving Tour & Annual Meeting/Luncheon (October 15, 2022)

Driving Tour

The valley fog lifted in time for the GMR to hold the final driving tour of the 2022 season. Lou Krieg and Board member Anne Pettyjohn led about 18 cars from Williston to the Sugarbush Resort traveling through the mountains and gaps. The fall foliage against the deep blue sky illustrated why Vermont is such a special place to live and play!

2022 Annual Meeting / Election of Officers

Upon arrival at Sugarbush, the GMR Annual Meeting was opened and the election for officers was conducted. Nominating Committee chair, Lou Krieg, announced the Committee’s recommended slate of candidates [President, Alessandro Iuppa; Vice President, Ben Curran; Secretary, Susan Eastman; and Treasurer, Christina McCaffrey]. No further nominations were made from the floor and the new slate was elected unanimously. Once the formal meeting was completed a delicious buffet lunch was served and the socializing began in earnest. During the course of lunch several members took turns driving a remote control Porsche GT3 around the bar – suffice to say they were all more proficient with their own cars on real roads. Several items were raffled off including a collectors GMR/Automasters jacket, a remote control Porsche GT3 and 4 GMR gift certificates.

A Wonderful September Day for a Tour

Approximately 20 Porsches and 36 enthusiasts turned out on a spectacularly beautiful early fall day to take in 96 miles of some of Vermont and New Hampshire’s best back country roads. We gathered in Brownsville and headed to the Cornish-Windsor covered bridge to cross the bi-state border across the Connecticut River. The bridge is 156 years old and until 2008, when the Smolen–Gulf Bridge opened in Ohio, it had been the longest covered bridge (still standing) in the United States. From there we headed south passing iconic NH farms and fields until we reached Charlestown, NH and crossed back over the Connecticut River and back into Vermont. Once back on “home territory” we headed through the sleepy village of Saxton’s River home to Vermont Academy Prep School. More scenic byways lead us down into Putney where we took a break at the Putney Coop. Jason and his navigator /chocolate lab Moxie joined us in their classic maroon colored Boxster.

After a relaxing break we motored south to a short cut over to West Dummerston and Route 30 driving through another single lane covered bridge. Heading west now we passed by the Townsend Dam and eventually into Jamaica, and Londonderry picking up the infamous Route 100. Turning north now we made our way to the town of Weston and The Vermont Country Store. Relatively traffic free roads and lots of freshly paved sections made for a delightful day exercising our favorite sports cars. Thanks to Al Iuppa and Anne Valentine for laying out a scenic and fun route. Fall in the Green Mountains doesn’t get any better than this!

A Great Day for a BBQ

A big thank you to Lee and Brenda Roy for hosting GMR members at the 2022 Potluck BBQ. The sun shone bright and warm as 40 members gathered at their Goodsell Point home on Mallets Bay. 

While we had plenty of burgers and hot dogs as the main course the guests went above and beyond with their  potluck contributions that included wonderful appetizers, salads and desserts. Lee organized two Porsche themed contests that tested our ability to follow simple and direct instructions and the other tested estimating skills. For the former, guests were asked to answer about 15 questions with all relevant clues within 200 feet of BBQ grills. I’m not sure what the results say about the group but low number of correct responses was impressive. That said, Susan Eastman managed to finish first with the most correct anwsers. The latter required guests to estimate the number of Lego pieces in the Porsche 911 GT3 RS model built by Lee and Brenda. The winner was Don Jones who’s estimate of 3,000 pieces was closest, the correct total was 2,704.

A glorious day for a July “Porsche” drive

The Green Mountain Region’s July 2022 Tour was a rousing success. Thanks to tour leader, Brad Kennison, we had a great 63 mile drive from South Burlington to Middlesex. The tour took us on well paved country roads, twists and turns including a west to east ascent and descent on the App Gap [Rt 17]. After a short leg down Route 100 south we stopped at the Warren Store for a short break and snack. The final leg started with us proceeding to Waitsfield on the East Warren Road with its spectacular views of Sugarbush, the Green Mountains and Mad River Valley. From there we had a pleasant ride through Moretown to our destination at the Red Hen Baking Company in Middlesex. Click here for a link to the driving route.

Note: Our driving tours are always in need of middle and sweep radio communication assistants. If you are willing to help or have a question, please drop us a line at gmrpca@gmail.com ahead of time to allow for coordination. Doing so will expedite the tour start and more important, allows for a more efficient and enjoyable drive. 

GMR Welcomes New Members

The Green Mountain Region welcomed new members at the New Member Welcome event on Saturday, June 18th at the DoubleTree by Hilton in South Burlington. While the weather was more reminiscent of late March rather than June the cold wind and moist air did not dampen the mood of the attendees. To those new members who could not make this event we look forward to seeing you at upcoming GMR event.

October 15, 2022 GMR Annual Meeting & Officer Election

The GMR Annual Meeting and luncheon will once again be held at the Sugarbush Resort. The 2022 business meeting is an important one as we will hold the election of officers in addition to other business. Ann Pettyjohn and Lou Krieg are planning a driving tour to Sugarbush from the Burlington area and we hope to have a similar tour from south central Vermont.

Responses to the – “What is your favorite Vermont drive?”

  • From Tom De Moya
  • From Skip Wareham [While the following are just sections and not a loop they could easily be made into one]
    • Route 17 – Route 100 in Waitsfield to Route 116 in Bristol
    • Route 232 – Route 302 in Groton to Route 2 in Marshfield
    • Route 140 – Route 103 in East Wallingford to Route 30 in Poultney
    • Skyline Drive – Route 7A in Arlington to Mount Equinox Summit
    • Route 132 – Route 14 in Sharon to Route 5 in Norwich
    • Route 73 – Route 100 in Rochester to Route 7 in Brandon
    • Route 125 – Route 100 in Hancock to Route 7 in Middlebury
    • Lincoln Gap Road – Route 100 in Warren to Route 116 in Bristol
    • Route 102 – Route 3 in Guildhall to Route 114 in Canaan
    • Route 108 – Route 100 in Stowe to Route 15 in Jeffersonville
    • Camp Brook Rd-Bethel Mountain Road – Route 100 to Route 12 in Bethel
    • Route 242 – Route 118 in Montgomery to Route 101 in North Troy
    • Route 9 – Route 7 in Bennington to Route 5 in Brattleboro
    • East-West Rd. – Route 30 in West Dummerston to Route 5 in Brattleboro

If you are willing to share a route or two please send a description to gmrpca@gmail.com.

Southern Vermont Weekend (August 20 & 21)

GMR Member Dave Kaynor was good enough to share some photos from the May 15 Tour.

Would you like to have a Green Mountain Name Badge for GMR Events?

If so, name tags can be ordered by emailing a request to our Treasurer, Christina McCaffrey at gmrpca@gmail.com. The cost is $20 per badge. Be sure to spell your name(s) correctly!  All members and spouses/ significant others are encouraged to use the name badges on tours and other club events.

Green Mountain Region Board Meetings. Are you interested in “attending” our Board meetings? The Board meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6.30pm EDT via video conference. If you would like to join a meeting please email gmrpca@gmail.com to request the Zoom logistics.
