Porsche Club of America / Green Mountain Region

For over 68 years, the Porsche Club of America [PCA] has been dedicated to enhancing the Porsche ownership experience. No matter what your interest – social, technical, or competitive – PCA has something to offer every Porsche owner.
The PCA offers driving experience, technical assistance, member benefits, and camaraderie second to none. Over the years, it has grown to 14 Zones across the continent with 147 Regions across North America. Green Mountain Region, is in Zone 1 and is the offcial Vermont ‘Region’ of the Porsche Club of America.
The Green Mountain Region (GMT) received its’ charter as part of PCA in 1986. In 1987, the President was Patrick Walsh, the Vice-President was Lou Hochheiser, the Secretary was Don Cummings, the Treasurer was Cindy Walsh, the Newsletter Editor was Dick Flynn, and the Membership Chair was, again, Cindy Walsh. Stu Jacobs became Treasurer in 1988 and held that post through December 2012, the longest service record of any officer. Lou Krieg, Ann Pettyjohn, as well as Dennis and Judy Bosch also have served ‘forever’, too.
Mainly, we are a social club – and we are very good at this – but there are some members who aspire to compete in Autocross events and the like; members with these interests are generally able to do so through adjacent Regions. Sharing a border with Canada provides an international flavor to some of our events. We’ve been known to sponsor 1 day, multi-day and overnight events all the while celebrating the enjoyment of Porsche. In short, “we drive, we party, we eat, we are good friends”.