Fueled by petrol, caffeine, and passion. Once a month on a Saturday morning, car enthusiasts gather to drink coffee, talk cars, and make new friends. CarsCoffeeVermont is an outreach program of Vermont Auto Enthusiasts! Our 2023 UMall events are 5/20, … Continue reading →
Fueled by petrol, caffeine, and passion. Once a month on a Saturday morning, car enthusiasts gather to drink coffee, talk cars, and make new friends. CarsCoffeeVermont is an outreach program of Vermont Auto Enthusiasts! Our 2023 UMall events are 5/20, … Continue reading →
This will be GMR’s third annual Porsche Day held in conjunction with VAE Cars & Coffee at University Mall from 7 – 9 am. Following the VAE Cars & Coffee, GMR Membership Chair, Brad Kennison, will lead a tour from … Continue reading →