2021 May – GMR Kick-off Tour

Event Details

  • Date:

The tour will start at the Sharon Trading Post at 5038 Route 14 in Sharon and will end in Brandon. The route, developed by Carl Wulfestieg, is a double gap drive that will take us on some familiar roads with a some twisty turns and beautiful scenery.

The Sharon Trading Post was recently acquired and renovated by Maplefields. There is plenty of parking in the area with gas, food and beverages as well as restroom facilities. 

In Brandon, arrangements have been made for lunch at the Café Provence (https://cafeprovencevt.com) located at 11 Center Street. In order to comply with Vermont’s COVID restrictions the luncheon is limited to 50 diners.

We will begin gathering for some socializing at 9.00am with the drivers meeting taking place at 9.30 a.m. The tour will begin at 10.00am with an expected arrival in Brandon at shortly after 12.00 p.m. IMPORTANT – COVID restrictions have severely limited the availability of locations with rest room facilities, as a result we will not be making a mid-way stop for this tour. The route is approximately 62 miles in length and we anticipate a ride duration of 2 hours, please plan accordingly. The following is an overview of the route.

  • Route 14 West to Route 107 West 
  • Route 107 West to Route 12 North
  • Route 12 North to Camp Brook Road
  • Continue onto Bethel Mountain Road to Route 100 North
  • Route 100 North to Route 125 West
  • Route 125 West to Route 7 South
  • Route 7 South to Route 53 South
  • Continue to Route 73 West to Brandon, VT

As noted above, a GMR luncheon will take place at the Café Provence at 11 Center Street in Brandon. The cost for the lunch is $28.00/person and includes your meal selection, coffee/tea and gratuity; the meal options are listed below. Please be sure to make your meal choice during the motorsportreg.com registration process.

  • Option 1: Salade Niçoise
  • Option 2: Grilled Turkey BLT on Baguette
  • Option 3: The Café Provence Vermont Grass-fed Beef Burger
  • Option 4: Grilled Salmon over Creamy Lobster Polenta
  • Option 5: Chicken Cordon Bleu over Garlic Mashed Potatoes

To register for the event you will need to go motorsportreg.com. If you intend to participate on the tour only (no lunch) DO NOT make a meal selection. 

Consistent with prior practice, fully executed PCA Liability and Communicable Disease waivers are required in order to participate in the tour. During the registration process you will have the option to complete the waiver forms using your mobile phone or not. If you chose to use your phone the waiver forms can be completed as part of the Motorsport registration process. If you opt to not use your mobile phone you and your passenger must sign hard copies of each waiver on the morning of the tour in the presence of the tour witness.

We strongly encourage you to use the mobile phone option because by doing you will avoid any unnecessary contact, we will have more time for socializing and GMR can satisfy PCA’s mandatory document retention procedure. 

Note, if you will have a minor (under age 18) in your vehicle the Minors liability waiver form must be completed on the day of the event at the gathering point. The tour leader will have the requisite form.

About Alessandro Iuppa

1995 993 Cabriolet (Black) 2023 Macan S (Blue)
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