On Saturday July 15 the hills will be alive with the sound of Porsches!!
Albert “Duffy” Miller has a great tour lined up, culminating in a gathering at the new Von Trapp Lodge Beer Hall in Stowe
Here are the details from Duffy:
9 a.m. Tour begins at the Middlesex Park and Ride. GPS address is 4 Knapp Rd.
Going north or south on Interstate 89, take Exit 9.
Drive to the west of I-89. The Park and Ride is north of the exit road and just off of VT State Route 2 (Theodore Roosevelt Highway)
Note: NO SERVICES at the park and ride, so gas up and take a pre-tour bathroom break on the way. On the map, there seems to be a Red Hen Bakery at GPS address 961 US-2, Middlesex, driving south from the Park and Ride… croissant and rest room no doubt!
Briefing at 9:15 and tour leaves promptly at 9:30. There will be two rest stops on a 3 1/2 to 4 hour tour.
Tour will finish with a drive through Smugglers Notch (fantastic!!) and end at the von Trapp Beer Hall for lunch at around 2:00 pm. If you haven’t seen the new beer hall, you’re in for a treat!
We are not working this one through Motorsport, but we need to tell the Trapp family how many to expect so we can reserve a room.
To RSVP, please email Duffy and let him know how many in your car!